The governance of Explore Fairbanks is vested in the Board of Directors. The Board consists of fifteen (15) members (“Directors”) representing the partner membership. To assure adequate representation of segments of the tourism industry, thirteen directors are elected by partners to three-year terms in seats designated to represent various sectors in the tourism industry: Events, Lodging (3 seats), Transportation (2 seats), Retail (2 seats), Services (2 seats), Attractions (2 seats) and Conventions. Two seats for one-year terms are elected by the Board. There are also two ex officio seats representing the City of Fairbanks and the Fairbanks North Star Borough.
101 Dunkel Street, Suite 111
Fairbanks, AK 99701-4806
Telephone: (907) 456-5774
Visitor Guide Request: 1-800-327-5774
About Explore Fairbanks