Explore Fairbanks is a non-profit 501(c)(6) destination marketing and management organization. The mission of Explore Fairbanks is to be an economic driver in the Fairbanks region by marketing to potential visitors, optimizing the visitor experience and advocating for a thriving year-round visitor industry.. Explore Fairbanks markets Fairbanks as a year-round destination by promoting local events, attractions and activities to independent travelers, group tour operators, travel agents, meeting planners and the media as well as by shaping public policy and developing infrastructure to achieve marketing objectives.
For the current Strategic Plan for Explore Fairbanks, click here.
The five departments within Explore Fairbanks together deliver results-driven marketing and management programs. For 2024, the departments will focus their marketing strategies on the following objectives:
Tourism and Meeting Sales
Meetings and Conventions:
Visitor and Community Engagement
101 Dunkel Street, Suite 111
Fairbanks, AK 99701-4806
Telephone: (907) 456-5774
Visitor Guide Request: 1-800-327-5774
Email: info@explorefairbanks.com
About Explore Fairbanks