Media Tours

Reuben Mourad Media TourExplore Fairbanks offers support to qualified media, ranging from solely logistical to full-blown media tours. The focus of Explore Fairbanks assistance is on activities that are available to the general public. Explore Fairbanks works to secure complimentary or discounted lodging and activities, but airfare and meals are limited, and availability is assessed on a case-by-case basis. If you are seeking assistance, please fill out the Travel Media Questionnaire below. This will help Explore Fairbanks determine to what degree we can assist you.



Travel Media Questionnaire

Contact Information

By entering your email address and selecting to receive email updates, you confirm that you have read and agree to our Privacy Policy.

Social Media

Please provide us with your social media information so we can follow and interact with you!

Specific Interests & Needs

Check all that apply.



Check all that apply.

Check all that apply.

Including target audience, circulation, advertising value, etc.

i.e. flights, accommodations, meals, rental car, other

Additional Information

Additional information may be needed in the planning of a media tour including, but not limited to, birth date, driver's license, passport information, emergency contact information, dietary needs, body weight and weight of equipment. Weights are only necessary if flying on a small plane.

* Indicates a required field.