About Us

These are the project people and players with square photos on the right

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The Steering Committee

The steering committee is a diverse group of individuals that engage in Explore Fairbanks' ongoing collaborative effort with the Fairbanks Arts Association and all CC/PAC stakeholders The Steering Committee Members are:

  • Andy Anger, Explore Fairbanks Board Chair Elect and University of Alaska Fairbanks
  • Trina Bailey, Senator Lisa Murkowski's Office
  • David von den Berg, Downtown Association of Fairbanks
  • Anne Biberman, Fairbanks Concert Association
  • Bill Bubbel, The Pump House Restaurant & Saloon
  • Melissa Charlie, Fairbanks Native Association
  • Gwen Holdmann, University of Alaska Fairbanks
  • David Pruhs, City of Fairbanks and Pruhs Real Estate
  • Marisa Sharrah, Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce
  • Cameron Wohlford, University of Alaska Fairbanks Facilities

About Explore Fairbanks

Explore Fairbanks is a non-profit destination marketing and management organization whose mission is to be an economic driver in the Fairbanks region by marketing to potential visitors and optimizing the visitor experience. Learn more here >

About Explore Fairbanks' Meeting & Conventions Department

The Explore Fairbanks Meetings & Conventions Department exists to help you plan and hold a successful meeting, conference, convention or event in Fairbanks. Learn more here >