CALL FOR ART! Application for Exhibition 2026 in the Bear Gallery!


Every fall, artists and creatives residing in Alaska are invited to submit digital images and/or videos of artwork for possible solo, group, or curated exhibitions. The Bear Gallery is open year-round and attracts many visitors, both local and international. Each month, the Bear Gallery shows two exhibitions by Alaskan artists/groups working in a variety of media. Portfolios are reviewed by a panel of professional Alaskan artists and are chosen solely on the merit of the work samples entered.

Portfolios may propose the following type of exhibitions:

Solo Exhibition: One artist
Group: Separate works of two or more artists
Curated: Curator selects theme, conceptual focus, and included artwork.
The call for 2026 exhibition applications are now open as of Thursday, August 1st, 2024 with the deadline for applications ending on October 31st, 2024.

CALL FOR ART! Application for Exhibition 2026 in the Bear Gallery!